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Have a toy collection to sell? Get in touch!
After a bargain?
Old & New
Be a seller!

There is definately a bargain to be found at the

Norwich Toy Fair. We offer the early bird entrance from 9.30 for collectors who want to hunt out the best deals and the rarest collectables!

Don't expect to find just one era of toys & collectables. We have items going back as far as the 50's but for those 80's kids (who like me, are now adults with their own children) expect to find lots of Star Wars, Transformers, He-Man, Lego & More!

Look how happy these guys are! The Fair is a great chance to sell an unwanted collection, boost your own business or promote a new idea! get in touch if you want to give the Toy Fair a try! Tables start at £30 for a 6 foot pitch.

Not only do we have toys, we have great value hot & cold drinks, snacks, sandwiches and home made cakes, from the wonderful Admiral Snackbar's cafe! "It's a snack"

© 2018 Norwich Toy Fairs. Proudly created with

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